terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013
sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013
sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2013
Espero que o Estado processe o suposto "estripador de Lisboa".
Os contribuintes andaram a pagar um processo judicial a um indivíduo que está a brincar com esta merda. Para o filho entrar na "Casa dos Segredos". Raios parta.
"Quem me dera ouvir de alguém a voz humana, Quem confessasse não um pecado, mas uma infâmia; Não, são todos o Ideal, se os oiço e me falam. Quem há neste largo mundo que me confesse que uma vez foi vil?" Estou contigo Lance. Deves estar bem mais levezinho.
Poema no titulo de Álvaro de Campos - "Poema em linha recta"
Receber velhos amigos na minha casa dá-me um prazer imenso.
Daqueles que nos conhecem há mais de vinte anos. Daqueles que o tempo nunca passa sobre nós. Daqueles em que só falamos, falamos, falamos. Nós que somos quase mudos.
quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013
Se eu algum dia chegar a algum cargo de poder...
Vou ser do pior. Mais nazi do que os piorzinhos da história. Uma autêntica filha da puta - com todo o respeito à minha mãe.
Gente azeda.
Durante um ano apresentei-me quinzenalmente na Junta de Freguesia da minha residência, de todas as vezes que entrava verbalizava um claro e alto "Boa tarde!". Nunca tive qualquer resposta. As duas funcionárias permaneciam mudas e embrenhadas nas suas tarefas. Pegam no cartão que levo na mão e fazem o que tem a fazer. À saída desejo sempre "Bom trabalho!" - sempre sem resposta. No próximo dia 1 de Fevereiro vou lá pela última vez e já treinei o que vou dizer às madames. Qualquer coisa do género: "Esta é das Juntas que vai fechar no novo plano municipal, certo?"
terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013
Juro que me deu uma tremedeira.
Quando procurava num dos meus blogs preferidos, outros locais interessantes e vi o nome "Ligação à Terra". Fiquei mesmo contente.
quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2013
Povo que não quer mudar, por mais leis e reformas que façam, nada feito. Estas questões, a maioria, está já apontada desde fim dos anos 80. As coisas não mudam porque a classe dominante não quer que mudem. É simples.
B. Key Issues
70. Portugal’s education system remains overstaffed and relatively inefficient by international standards. As of September 2012, the MEC employed one out of 25 working-age Portuguese as teachers. With 1.5 million (non-tertiary) students in the system, there are 8 students per educator (including teachers performing non-teaching functions). The result is that the cost of paying teachers dominates education spending to a larger degree than in other OECD countries (Table 6.2). Even a mildly ambitious education sector reform that would bring student–teacher ratios closer to the prevailing EU averages for primary and secondary education (Table 6.3) would imply that 50–60,000 staff (teachers and nonteachers) would have to be cut.
71. Prevailing rigidities in the education system further aggravate the overstaffing problem. There is limited autonomy at the school level; notably, schools do not control the hiring of teachers—their largest expense. Teachers can apply to move schools every four years, and compete for available slots on the basis of seniority. Under the system, it is not the more qualified teachers who get redeployed to a position of their choice, but the more senior ones. As a result, schools have little control over their budget or their faculty: schools in desirable locations are forced to absorb more senior teachers with higher salaries and lower
teaching-hour requirements.
72. To date, downsizing measures have not targeted the lowest performing or most highly-paid teachers. Portugal’s public sector employment guarantee precludes the laying off of the tenured teachers, and virtually all the 6,500 reduction in permanent staff over the past two years resulted from attrition, with tenured teachers taking retirement. With some exceptions of voluntary separations, the remaining departures (8,300) were fixed-term contract teachers who did not have their contracts renewed.
73. The current school financing model generates wide disparities of per-student spending and of the resources available across schools. Two separate studies—one by Portugal’s Tribunal de Contas and one by a working group commissioned by the MEC to examine per-class costs — noted large disparities in spending per student across the country for the 2009/10 school year. The studies found that schools with higher per-student costs do not necessarily perform better academically. In fact, some schools managed to score well in academic tests although they spent less and served a student population that faced more adverse socioeconomic conditions (Figure 6.4). Costs per student tend to be higher in nonurban areas, where smaller student populations prevent economies of scale. However, in urban areas, teachers tend to be more senior and better-paid, and the schools better equipped.
74. There is evidence that per-student costs are lower in charter schools compared to public schools. Charter schools receive a fixed amount from the state of €85,000 per class (for grades 5 to 12) to administer the same classes and curriculum as public schools. They hire their own teachers and do not charge fees, except for extra-curricular classes and activities. Where they coexist with public schools, they are often the first choice for parents. The Tribunal de Contas study found that charter school costs were lower by about €400 per student than for regular public schools, while the subsequent MEC working group study estimated the difference at only €50 per student after adjusting for expenditure cuts that have been made since 2009/10. While the charter school program is under revision until the end of the current school year, the government maintains its intention to promote charter schools as well as freedom of choice between public schools and charter schools.
in Expresso
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013
quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2013
Resolução de 2013
Constipados e engripados estão proibidos de entrar na minha casa. E agradeço que me avisem para eu não ir a casa deles. Estamos falados.
Mensagens (Atom)